
Discover and Access All Your Data

Enable business users to discover and access all data across the entire enterprise for analytics use.


The first step to managing your data as an enterprise asset is to take inventory of it, assess its value, and maximize its use—just like you do other significant capital and operational investments. Data is diverse and distributed across many different departments, locations, systems, and platforms (some on premise and some in the cloud), making it challenging to know exactly what data you have. And in the world of big data this becomes even more difficult.


Machine learning

A machine-learning-based discovery engine collects data assets across the enterprise while increasing the understanding of those data assets through a graph-based enterprise information catalog. If business analysts and data stewards can find all types of data across the enterprise; discover relationships among them; enrich data with business glossary terms and crowdsourced annotations; and understand the provenance, quality, and usage of their data.

Intelligent recommendations

Informatica's artificial intelligence-powered data catalog for analytics solution provides a machine-learning-based discovery engine to scan and catalog data assets across the enterprise—across cloud and on-premises, and big data anywhere. The intelligence is provided by the CLAIRE engine, which provides intelligence in terms of leveraging metadata to deliver intelligent recommendations, suggestions, and automation of data management tasks. 

A modern library full of books and multimedia information access points.


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