Dynamic data masking delivers high-throughput and low-latency performance that doesn’t impact user experience. For persistent data masking, Informatica’s proven platform can scale to meet the requirements of organizations that need to mask large data stores. Both solutions integrate without disruption, as no changes are required for applications or databases.
Supports the precise controls needed to accommodate data privacy laws (such as GDPR) and tightly control access to sensitive, private, and confidential information. User access to data can mirror the complex scenarios mandated by the ever-increasing number of data privacy laws and regulations.
By combining persistent and dynamic data masking with traditional data security controls (such as encryption and tokenization), organizations can provide complete coverage for businesses’ data security needs. Organizations can protect live data; data for testing; data for outsourcing; and data for customer support, analytics, or reporting. Combined with encryption and tokenization, masking eliminates data security vulnerabilities to internal and external attacks.
Nonintrusive data masking supports heterogeneous environments without the need to modify applications or data. They also complement existing data security controls such as encryption and tokenization without the need to modify settings or configurations.
Data can be de-identified and de-sensitized so that sensitive information is anonymous when used for support, analytics, testing, or outsourcing.
Key features include:
Informatica empowered scientific and clinical collaboration at this renowned cancer center by turning data into knowledge and facilitating self-service business intelligence.
Vale delivered archived data compression rates averaging 95 percent, and saved $1 million annually in storage costs