Hartford Hospital

Hartford Hospital

Hartford Hospital is one of the largest patient care centers in New England, with a world-class medical staff and over 7,000 employees.

“The Informatica Platform is definitely paying for itself in terms of time savings for my staff. Any time there is a data transformation issue, something that we have to solve, we go to Informatica first.”

—Ron M’Sadoques , Technical Services Manager, Revenue Cycle Team, Hartford Hospital


Business Need
  • Enable departments across the enterprise to rapidly understand payroll expenses.
  • Help enhance quality of care and improve a patient’s experience.
  • Support regulatory agency reporting requirements to help avoid audits.
  • Resolve business needs faster, while lowering IT costs.
  • Data spread among many different systems—including accounts payable, human resources, purchasing, payroll, and inventory—in a wide variety of formats.
  • Pulling data together for analysis and reporting was complex and costly, usually involving time-intensive hand coding.
Solutions & Results
  • Saved approximately two full-time equivalents through reuse of data integration assets.
  • Enabled managers to budget and staff accurately, avoiding additional unplanned costs.
  • Published timely and accurate reports to regulatory agencies, helping the hospital avoid audits.
  • Enabled higher level of collaboration across the enterprise, enhancing patient satisfaction and overall operational efficiency.

Products & Services

Informatica Address Verification

Parses, cleanses, verifies & standardizes global address data and appends country codes for global address validation.

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