Complying with healthcare interoperability rules

See how to comply with CMS and ONC regulations while preparing for an increasingly digital future

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End to End Compliance

End-to-end compliance requires a data management platform

Sharing sensitive member data as required by the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Rule requires rigorous data management to mitigate risk.  

see how to solve interoperability challenges


Compliance must be approached holistically

Compliance calls for robust data management capabilities as well as support for FHIR API data exchange 

Orchestrate data & processes
Processes for assembling required data must be hardened and automated to enhance confidence and reduce risk.
Provide data governance
Data management implementation must be unambiguous and tied directly to regulatory compliance requirements.
Catalog all your data
Automated cataloging provides confidence all data is accounted for with full transparency and provenance.
Ensure data quality
Ensure all data released outside the organization is consistent, reliable, and trustworthy.
Perform identity resolution
Member and provider identities must be mastered and accurate to reduce risk and eliminate rework.
Capture and manage consent
A single source of truth for consent ensures data is shared only with appropriate third parties.

A roadmap to consent management success

Learn how Trizetto and Informatica are solving consent management as a service in this presentation from the Cognizant Healthcare Conference. 

watch the presentation


Master a provider directory


Learn more about holistic compliance

Executive Brief

Consent Management With Customer 360

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Cognizant Healthcare Conference: Transforming Your Business Through Interoperability

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4 Pitfalls of Cloud Data Warehousing in Healthcare and How to Overcome Them

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Data Sharing: HHS Ruling Disrupts Healthcare

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Healthcare Consent Management Demands Newfound Respect for the Checkbox

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Create the Optimal Healthcare Provider Network Designed for Quality Outcomes

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Comprehensive compliance requires a data management platform approach

The Informatica Intelligent Data Platform capabilities are exactly what’s needed for holistic compliance with the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Rule.

Cloud Data Integration

Intelligent, automated, high performance, multi-cloud data integration at scale
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Cloud Application Integration

Integrate apps & data in real time with intelligent business processes that span cloud & on-premises sources.
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Cloud Data Ingestion and Replication

Efficiently ingest databases, files and streaming data for real-time data replication and streaming analytics.
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Axon Data Governance

The collaboration hub and data marketplace for agile, scalable data governance.
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Enterprise Data Catalog

Find and inventory all data assets throughout your organization.
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Cloud Data Quality

Quickly identify, fix and monitor data quality problems in cloud and on-premises business applications.
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Multidomain MDM

Tackle complex issues head-on with complete and accurate views of business-critical master data.
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Data Privacy Management

Access data privacy intelligence to protect data and promote transparency.
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Interoperability & Compliance