
The Pivotal CIO:
Today’s Transformer-in-Chief

You’ve got the most exciting, challenging role in business. And it all depends on how you manage data.
Here’s why…


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 1

The Pivotal CIO

The CIO and Intelligent Disruption

‘Digital transformation’ sounds abstract. In reality nothing could be more real—or more important.
As a pivotal CIO, you’re driving critical enterprise initiatives that:

Power innovation

Creating opportunities from disruptive technologies instead of getting sidelined by them.

Modernize IT

Exploring hybrid architectures and cloud solutions to deliver data quickly and economically to the business.

Re-engineer processes

Automating as much as possible to free up valuable IT resources and deliver self-service solutions to the business.

Secure the business

Protecting intellectual property and customer data from overt breaches and inadvertent data proliferation.

Drive customer-centricity

Ensuring customer experience drives decisions because it’s become a competitive differentiator.

Oh, and keep the lights on

Meeting user expectations with up-to-date infrastructure, software, and systems and an always-on network.

And you’re doing it all against a complete disruption of business models, customer expectations,
go-to-market channels, and the enterprise tech stack as a whole.
These are exciting times indeed.

How Strategic CIOs Invest Their Time

Driving business
(Up 7%)
Developing and refining
business strategy
(Down 1%)
Finding competitive
(Up 5%)
Developing new go-to market
strategies & tech
(Up 5%)

Source: IDG State of CIO 2017


Data Leverage: The New CIO Imperative

Today’s transformatice CIOs unleash the power of data to mkae an impact everywhere, not just in one project, and not just once but again and again.

This is "data leverage"—maximizing the impact of enterprise data—and it’s driven by five imperatives:

  1. Centralize data management: Stop considering data management a project-level issue. It’s an enterprise opportunity.
  2. Take a platform approach: Capitalize on modular and re-usable tech, skills, integrations, and knowledge.
  3. Think hybrid: Understand that your data is in the cloud. It’s also on-premises. It’s everywhere.
  4. Optimize for agility and governance: Fuel business and IT agility with effective data governance.
  5. Enable business self-service: Make sure data is everyone’s business.

"My advice to any new CIO taking on digital transformation is: Stop talking systems,
start talking end-user experience and end-user data."

Tony Malone, CIO, Highways England

Part 2

Hear from CIOs


Meet our CIO

Listen to The Big Pivot podcast series of conversations with Graeme Thompson, Informatica SVP and CIO, and Rob O’Regan, IDG editor. The pair discuss topics including using data to lead digital transformations, plotting your journey to the cloud, and driving business success with big data.

Podcast Series: The Big Pivot

Data-Driven leaders Speak!

Hear from strategic, data-driven CIOs who deliver intelligent data to disrupt their markets.

Transformation Talks

Informatica leaders share their experiences of today’s data-driven digital transformation initiatives.

IDG CIO Perspectives: Siloed thinking and digital transformation

CIO Graeme Thompson discusses digital transformation and the pivotal role of data.

IDG CIO Perspectives: Secure cloud migration

CTO Bill Burns talks data security, business risk, and the importance of trust.

"Data is the new oil. It’s what we must monetize and capitalize on to take us into the future,
to think beyond the way that we’ve traditionally delivered real estate."

Eddy Wagoner, Global CIO, Corporate Solutions Division, JLL

Part 3

An Intelligent Data Platform

A Platform Approach to Data Management

A comprehensive data management platform covers six areas–all sharing the same metadata–but built
in a modular way so you don't buy the whole thing up-front (just build as you go).
Find out more about the Informatica Intelligent Data Platform.



Business Transformation Services

Your strategic ally in driving data-driven digital transformation.

You don’t just need a platform. You need strategic advice from the data transformation experts.

Find out more about our proven framework for the data-driven enterprise.


"The most important thing in any type of digital transformation or journey is to understand the overarching strategic goals of the organization.
Without that foundation, I think everything else is going to be a struggle.
You’re going to be bringing technology and solutions without understanding the problem fully."

Andrew McIntrye, VP of Technology, Chicago Cubs

Part 4

CIO Resources

CIO Events

IDG CIO 100 Symposium

The CIO 100 Symposium is IDG’s most powerful gathering of CIOs and senior IT and business executives. Leadership, innovation, and business strategy top the agenda as they examine the latest opportunities and challenges in our fast-changing world.

Aug 14 - 16, 2017

Seminar | Colorado Springs, CO

IDG CIO Perspectives

An in-depth agenda with direct guidance from an advisory board of CIOs from across the Chicago region. With expert presentations, panels, workshops and lively peer discussions on leadership, business strategy and IT innovation.

Sept 12, 2017

Seminar | Chicago, IL

IDG CIO Perspectives

The CIO roadshow moves to LA to draw on the expertise and CIO leadership from in and around Southern California. We'll be there to join the conversation and show how data drives... everything!

Oct 17, 2017

Seminar | Los Angeles, CA

Check out of eBook

The CIOs Guide to Developing a Data-Driven Culture

Becoming data-driven means managing culture change.


Must-read content for CIOs