Australia Department of Innovation, Industry, Science & Research

Australia’s Department of Innovation, Industry, Science & Research runs the website, a portal to business data that Australian companies of all sizes use to connect with the government and each other.  

“Identity search is a particularly difficult thing to do well. Trials with the product and talking to other agencies convinced us that Informatica has expertise in this area.”

Paul Griffin

General Manager,
Business Need
  • Assist the growth of key industry sectors and small business through advice, encouragement, statistics, innovation and investment.
  • Make it easier for organizations of all sizes to do business with the government.
  • Complete identity data searches and matches despite input errors and omissions.
  • Deliver highly accurate results.
  • Support a high volume of searches on very large databases.
Solutions & Results
  • Delivered five million searches a month.
  • Overcame spelling, phonetic, and other errors to deliver fast, relevant results.
  • Searched a database of more than six million business numbers and 14 million names.

Products & Services

Informatica Identity Resolution

Increases operational efficiency and effectiveness with highly accurate, multilanguage identity data.

Success Stories