Hot Telecommunications

Hot Telecommunication is a group of communication companies offering customers a variety of multichannel television, last-mile Internet access, broadband, fixed line, and cellular connection services. The Israeli company provides these services to approximately 1.3 million households.

“Informatica Dynamic Data Masking enables Hot to capitalize on the full potential of its data. Concerns about how sensitive and personal information was used and who had access to it have been eliminated, allowing the company to quickly develop new applications and services.”

Zeev Goldshtein

Chief Information Security Officer, Hot Communications
Business Need
  • Adhere to data privacy laws with minimal time/cost, and no changes to applications or databases.
  • Accelerate development of compelling new telecommunications features and services.
  • Protect personal and sensitive information from internal or external breaches.
  • Lower cost of test, development, and QA.
  • Privileged users often had inadvertent access to sensitive data that they didn’t need to perform their jobs.
  • If sensitive details were encrypted and then decrypted on every query, the performance impact could interfere with the operation of any of Hot’s databases.
Solutions & Results
  • Quickly gained compliance with ever-growing regulatory laws.
  • Put potential of information to work, by shielding sensitive data from unauthorized access and ensuring access on a need-to-know basis.
  • Lowered time to create test data environment from up to one week down to minutes.
  • Secured personal and sensitive data across production and nonproduction areas, speeding development of compelling, bundled telecommunications solutions.
  • Eliminated risk of data breach, which could damage reputation, increase costs, and incur regulatory penalties.
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Products & Services

Informatica Dynamic Data Masking

Provides real-time capabilities to prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information.

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