HealthNow New York

HealthNow New York is a leading healthcare company, providing access to healthcare, innovative technologies, and information and services. The company serves 815,000 members, 13,000 client companies, has 2,100 employees and revenues of $2.27 billion.

“I see Informatica Data Services as both an evolutionary and revolutionary capability for us; it looks and feels like the rest of the Informatica Platform and this is a skill set we already have; it is revolutionary for us in that I am actually creating data services for the organization.”

Rob Myers,

Enterprise Data Warehouse Solution Architect/Manager, HealthNow New York

org-chart-icon.png Business Needs

  • Improve health outcomes of members with on-demand information at lower costs.
  • Increase operational efficiency and profitability.
  • Shift business processes to comply with health insurance reform and mandates.
  • Ensure information privacy and security requirements are met.


  • Data spread across up to 16 enterprise databases—including DB2, Sybase, and SQL Server—and more than 30,000 Microsoft Access databases.
  • It required 1,700 hours to add a new product to the portfolio.
  • It took HealthNow months to build critical new data extracts of customer and products data for pricing and risk analysis.

airplane-icon.png Solutions & Results

  • Delivered single, trusted view of data quickly, across diverse enterprise data sources.
  • Shortened time to access new, critical data for pricing and risk analysis, from months to days.
  • Accelerated analysis and certification of data quality for ensuring trusted data
  • Enabled business users to quickly access plan rate and claims information from a single service.
  • Improved data governance and reduced compliance risk.
  • Helped the company quickly adapt to evolving healthcare trends and legislation.

Products & Services

Axon Data Governance

Exploitez la première solution de gouvernance de données d'entreprise du secteur avec un outil entièrement basé sur le Cloud.
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