Southwest Power Pool

Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that manages the bulk electrical system to ensure reliable and cost-effective energy for ~15 million customers.

“The integrated marketplace is an important milestone in the history of Southwest Power Pool, enabling the company to coordinate next-day energy generation across the region and provide greater access to reserve energy. The marketplace also improves the regional balancing of electricity supply and demand and the integration of renewable resources.”

Srinivas Kolluru

Chief IT Architect, Southwest Power Pool
Business Need
  • SPP plans to save its members $100 million annually via a real-time “Integrated Marketplace” that balances regional energy supply and demand, and enables wholesale energy to be bought and sold, in both a day-ahead and real-time market.
  • SPP must adhere to rigorous reporting requirements of FERC/ NERC industry regulations.
  • SPP coordinates across 75+ members to improve the regional balancing of energy supply and demand and ensure reliable, cost-effective energy for 15 million consumers.
  • SPP needed to replicate data collected by production transactional systems from 400+ source systems (including energy produced and consumed and power line data) into an analytics data source, making it available for analysis and reporting in the Integrated Marketplace.
  • The scale of transactional data made it prohibitive to manage in the production database because Integrated Marketplace requires optimal performance, stability and scalability to operate effectively.
Solutions & Results
  • The Informatica Platform and data replication functionality facilitates near real-time data replication into an analytics data source that is optimized for analysis and reporting.
  • The solution reduced typical analysis time from one day to 20 minutes, resulting in significant uplift in simulated scenarios for improved energy service provision.
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Products & Services

Informatica PowerCenter

Accesses, integrates, and delivers any and all data quickly and cost-effectively, without hand coding.

Informatica PowerExchange

Accesses mission-critical data and delivers it throughout the enterprise wherever it’s needed, on any schedule.

Power Cloud Analytics

Discover the value of a cloud analytics platform that delivers automated, intelligent, cloud-native data integration, data quality, and metadata management.

Informatica Data Explorer

Finds hidden risks, pinpoints structural issues, and stops quality problems from spreading in data.

Success Stories

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