The world’s largest music publisher, EMI Music Publishing owns, controls, or administers the rights to more than one million musical compositions. Its record labels include EMI Records, Parlophone, Virgin Records and Capitol Records.
“After consulting with Informatica, EMI experienced up to 20% improvement in automatic match quality over its existing methods. We can match files from infringing companies and claim our rights more accurately and faster, and this results in increased revenue.”
- EMI needs to perform data matching to determine copyrights. E.g. when a retail organization sends EMI data about CDs, tapes, or DVDs sold for which they are not sure who holds the copyright, they must be matched against EMI’s copyright database to determine if EMI is the custodian of a particular song and, if so, to whom the royalties should be distributed.
- Check for copyright compliance and infringement. There are many Web sites that offer songs for downloading and, because of recent legislation, they must now ask the music publishers for permission to use this copyrighted material.
- Search and match song titles and artist names in massive music database.
- Minimize need for manual data matching.
- Compare database to third-party files in multiple formats.
- Increased revenue by more accurately identifying compliance and infringement issues.
- Improved accuracy of royalty payments.
- Streamlined data processing.
- Increased operational efficiency.