German Automaker

Founded in the 1900s, this German Automaker brings vehicles to the U.S. that marry the science of engineering and the art of styling, with the goal of offering attractive, safe, and eco-conscious automobiles that are competitive and set world standards in their respective classes. The company has approximately 6,000 employees in the United States and sells its vehicles through a 1,000-strong dealer network.

“Informatica is the heart and soul of our data services, giving us the consistency and flexibility we need to react quickly to market changes.”


Big Data and Analytics
Business Need
  • Rapidly respond to automobile market changes by delivering a flexible architecture.
  • Support new and upcoming industry data initiatives without increasing IT headcount.
  • Enhance auto customer data management capabilities for trusted analysis.
  • Shift from a manufacturing-focused to an experience-driven customer engagement model.
  • Scale service availability to auto purchasers as customer data volumes grow.
  • Deliver a unified, but unique customer experience across a diverse portfolio of brands.
Solutions & Results
  • Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services integrates big data from various sources of automobile purchaser information across the company.
  • Creates a scalable environment in which to ingest a growing volume of customer data.
  • Enables timely and trusted analysis of auto purchaser customer information across all brands for marketing campaigns.
  • Provides enterprise data governance to help ensure the integrity of customer data for personalized marketing campaigns across all brands.
  • Improves auto customer data quality for experience-driven engagement, while reducing Salesforce application spend by 87% by eliminating duplicate records.
  • Delivers scalability for an accurate view of auto buyers while handling growing amounts of data.
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Products & Services

Serviços de nuvem

Reprojetando o iPaaS para incluir o gerenciamento de dados em nuvem de ponta a ponta e a arquitetura de microsserviços críticos.

Integração de dados

Acesse, integre e forneça dados críticos confiáveis para alimentar eficientemente excelentes processos analíticos e de negócios em toda a empresa.

Data Engineering

Ingerir, preparar e gerenciar canais de dados para análise e IA na nuvem.

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