For over 40 years, NI has provided high-performance automated test and automated measurement systems to help solve the world’s foremost engineering challenges. The company’s open, software-defined platform uses modular hardware and an expansive ecosystem to help turn powerful possibilities into real solutions. Customers spanning industries including healthcare, automotive, consumer electronics, and aerospace, rely on NI’ integrated hardware and software platform to refine and deliver products to market.

“Informatica made it easier for our customers and suppliers to do business with us. The improved service experience helps us increase satisfaction and loyalty, and is paving the way for deeper, more strategic relationships.”

James Humphrey,

Principal Software Architect, NI

org-chart-icon.png Business Needs

  • Create a deeper level of engagement with customers and suppliers
  • Migrate Manufacturing, Finance, and Commerce teams to new enterprise platform to increase support for customers and suppliers
  • Scale IT platform to accommodate growth of suppliers, from 20 to over 200


  • Establish a scalable and multi-tenant enterprise data integration (EDI) solution to make it easier for customers and suppliers to do business with NI
  • Exploit product and customer data across service functions for a better customer and supplier experience
  • Evolve from an engineering product-centric organization to a customer-focused organization

airplane-icon.png Solutions & Results

  • Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services replaces legacy B2B infrastructure into a flexible, future-proof enterprise platform
  • Establish architectural principles for integration and consistency in the use of enterprise tools
  • Increased IT team efficiency through a streamlined, standardized approach to application integration and proactive monitoring
  • Improve communication among customers and suppliers using Informatica Cloud B2B Gateway
  • Availability of product and customer information makes it easier for customers and suppliers to do business with NI
  • Expedited on-boarding process of new suppliers
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Products & Services

Serviços de nuvem

Reprojetando o iPaaS para incluir o gerenciamento de dados em nuvem de ponta a ponta e a arquitetura de microsserviços críticos.
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Cloud B2B Gateway

Parceiros B2B integrados com o poder e a facilidade da nuvem.
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