Marathon Oil fuels data ingestion at top speed

Marathon Oil is an independent exploration and production company focused on the most significant oil-rich resource plays in the U.S. Just like crude oil needs to be refined and broken into consumable products, data needs to go through a similar transformation. The company currently has a hybrid cloud data stack, powered by Informatica, AWS and Snowflake.

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Fauzan Ahmed: My name is Fauzan Ahmed. I'm an IT manager with Marathon Oil. Marathon Oil is a responsible, independent exploration and production company. We are focused on the most significant oil-rich resource plays in the U.S. The notion that data is the new oil has never been more real than now. Just like crude oil needs to be refined and broken down into consumable products, we feel that data needs to go through a similar transformation.

Just imagine the power that we can bring to the business by bringing operational data into the hands of the key people who need the data. We are a hybrid cloud implementation. We have a number of production workloads running in the cloud, specifically on the AWS platform.

We are also really expanding our data warehouse in the cloud capability and we leverage this Snowflake platform for that. And a lot of the data that goes between on-premises and cloud goes through the IDMC framework. We ended up implementing Informatica’s Cloud Mass Ingestion. There was seamless to configure source and destination. The interface was point and click.

And under the hood, the mass ingestion framework uses all of the IDMC’s enterprise framework for monitoring, notification and scalability. And so that was a win-win for us. And then, you know, we've seen a lot of return since we have implemented the solution. The business is happy and the data is flowing.

One of the advantages that we had working with in Informatica is that we were able to use the professional services that Informatica had and they came up with their Migration Factory. And what that allowed us to do was significantly cut down the migration time, and up to 70% of our applications were migrated using the tool. And that left my team to work with the 30%. The business now has access to operational data in near real time. We know that the connectors are there, and we know that there's a robust framework that's under the hood. So, you know, it really gives us the confidence and the business, the belief that they can trust that the data is good and valid.

“We've seen a lot of return since we've implemented the solution. The business is happy and the data is flowing.”

Fauzan Ahmed

IT Manager – Application Development and Support, Marathon Oil

Improve data ingestion to bring operational data into the hands of employees who need it most.


Utilize Informatica Cloud Mass Ingestion and Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) to simplify configurations and enhance monitoring, notifications and scalability.


Gained access to real-time operational data, enhanced data quality and cut down migration time — up to 70% of applications were successfully migrated to the cloud.

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