
HuFriedyGroup is a global leader in infection prevention and dental instrument manufacturing. HuFriedyGroup provides a complete circle of protection in the dental suite, bringing together world class products, services, education, and communities that result in superior clinician performance, outcomes, and safety for clinicians and patients.

“Informatica helps us make life easier for our customers, our distributors, and our IT team. It also saves us money because we can do more in-house without relying on third parties.”

Richard Behmer

Manager, Digital Technology Solutions, HuFriedyGroup

org-chart-icon.png Business Needs

  • Move from a third-party service to gain additional insights into customer purchasing data and reduce costs by transforming transactional data in-house
  • Empower sales and marketing teams to gain real-time customer insights of dental consumables such as gloves, bibs, masks, and cleaners Enable seamless waterline testing for dental practices and schools to keep their patients safe

airplane-icon.png Solutions & Results

  • Automate transformations of transactional data that distributors upload to an FTP server and move it into SAP and Salesforce using Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
  • Move customer data from Salesforce to a third-party waterline testing company
  • Increases sales from dental consumables, helping HuFriedyGroup win market share
  • Streamlined integration with external ecosystem, built once-out-sourced processes in-house without worrying about infrastructure, maintenance or adding new staff
  • Timely integrate transactional data from SAP with a customer compliance portal to provide a view of consumables purchases
  • Builds customer loyalty by enabling targeted marketing and providing better insights into which products dentists buy
  • Helps customers keep dental patients safe with clean waterlines
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Products & Services

Intégration de données Cloud

Réalisez une intégration de données multi-cloud, automatisée et hautes performances à grande échelle.
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Cloud Application Integration

Intégrez des applications et des données en temps réel à des processus métiers intelligents englobant les sources dans le Cloud et on-premises.
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