
PayPal is a global payments platform available to people in 203 markets, allowing customers to get paid, withdraw funds to their bank accounts and hold balances in their PayPal accounts in multiple currencies. The assurance of proper controls and compliance around the oversight of financial master data is a cornerstone of their global mission and a clear priority of their operations.  Upon its separation from eBay and in order to support speed to market product offerings and reporting efficiency, PayPal along with their Systems Integrator, Deloitte, sought to leverage the Informatica technology suite to automate previously manual data-related controls thereby establishing repeatable and simplified global processes to support financial master data management. This included implementing a data governance program with automated and integrated controls specifically related to the financial domain. The Informatica MDM and PowerCenter platform along with the governance framework are helping PayPal drive the reduction of time spent collecting, manipulating, administering and reconciling Finance master data in favor of increasing time spent creating value through data analysis and analytics.  

Products & Services

Informatica PowerCenter

Accesses, integrates, and delivers any and all data quickly and cost-effectively, without hand coding.

Informatica MDM

The true end-to-end MDM solution tackles complex issues head-on with complete and accurate views of complex business-critical master data and relationships.

Axon Data Governance

Power collaboration, enable regulatory compliance and deliver trusted data to fuel all of your business initiatives.

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