Why Data Governance Matters: Empowering Data Consumers Through Predictive Data Intelligence

Last Published: Aug 16, 2023 |
Nathan Turajski
Nathan Turajski

Senior Director, Product Marketing

If you attended Informatica’s Data Sharing Summit earlier this year, you heard from experts about how data governance is now in transition. This is because data governance is no longer only a technical domain for data stewards and data architects. Instead, organizations are emerging from digital transformation as new data-driven businesses.

A recent IDC infographic noted that by 2027, 41% of enterprise revenue will come from digital products and services.1 To achieve this, organizations must recognize data as a critical asset that needs to be shared effectively. This represents a shift from treating data as a liability that should be restricted for use and therefore not capable of generating value.

We will take that data sharing conversation deeper at our Predictive Data Intelligence Summit. Presenters will explain how automated delivery of trusted data enables quicker, more intelligent, data-driven decision making. The kind of intelligent decision making that enables better analytic insights and improves customer experience.

It’s a discussion you won’t want to miss — be sure to register today.

Empowering the Business to Achieve Data-Driven Outcomes through Predictive Data Intelligence

Today’s modern organizations need a better balance. They want to unleash value from critical data assets through responsible data sharing. From a foundational aspect, risk and compliance are still critically important. But as data governance programs mature, risk exposure will have the necessary safeguards to build confidence and allow appropriate data use. For example, organizations can now begin to ask the next set of questions about how to make data actionable and more relevant.


“We want to drive intelligent, data-driven decision making. We’d like to accelerate time to value. And we need to achieve more effective business outcomes. How do we empower lines of business to find the data they need — faster and more efficiently?”

Data governance is maturing beyond its technical roots. It can empower businesses to the next level of their digital objectives. So, what do you need to achieve your desired business outcome? Do you want to:

  • Improve operational efficiencies as you migrate more applications to the cloud?
  • Fuel analytics to develop more customer-centric products and services?
  • Derive new insights that support data-driven decision making?

Data Governance Matters When It Drives Data Trust and Accelerates Business Outcomes

Data governance sets the foundation that organizations need. It allows them to discover where data assets exist across the organization. It determines fitness for use that aligns to organizational policies and helps put data to work. Effective data delivery is the critical missing link that’s needed to empower data consumers.

But you risk stalling your data-driven agenda when you can’t answer questions like these from your business users:

  • Where can I go or who do I contact to find what I need?
  • Who understands what the data means?
  • What data can be deemed to be trusted?
  • How do I access relevant data for my needs?

Why aren’t you able to answer these questions? It could be a case of too many data owners, data stewards and data producers spread across silos. Your organization may have too many data sources of unknown reliability. Then there’s the uncertainty as trust degrades as data moves farther away from its source. This creates a challenge when you acquire data to achieve business outcomes.

Without access to trusted data, you put reliable business outcomes at risk. Business users may still be able to find the data they need with some difficulty. They may be unable to complete their work, or the results are unclear and unusable.

Data Intelligence Tied to Trusted Data Delivery Enables Business Outcomes

So, what does the state of the art in data governance look like today? Innovative data stewards, data architects and data practitioners have a new focus. They want to know the best way to connect data consumers to the data they need. They understand that linking data intelligence to automated data delivery is the way to build greater trust.

The role of data governance is changing. It’s now focused on helping empower data consumers to find, understand, trust and access the data they need to be successful. Linking data intelligence to automated data delivery not only achieves greater efficiency but improves time to value. It also reduces risks to improper, untrusted or unreliable data use.

What are the Benefits of Linking Data Intelligence to Automated Data Delivery?

Predictive data intelligence provides the foundation for effective data governance and data democratization. It’s focused on connecting data consumers to data they need through automated data delivery. A self-service data marketplace is one such tool that allows the business data consumer to take advantage of trusted data. The accessible, business-friendly interface makes data sharing easier and faster.

Benefits of data intelligence linked to automated data delivery include:

  • Trusted business reporting. When you deliver data more efficiently to chief finance officers, regulatory auditors and others, it reduces the time they need to spend manually searching and curating reliable information. (See how Celcom reduced reporting time and achieved an award-winning data governance program.)
  • Optimized productivity. Automated data delivery can streamline processes and improve time to value. You can reduce reliance on manual procedures, clarify points of contact and identify where data exists across the organization.
  • Improved customer experience. Fueling analytics with trusted data translates into more reliable insights. You can use these insights to help improve products and services. And this can help your organization leapfrog the competition through smarter data-driven decisions.
  • Risk reduction. Risk reduction is not a direct enabler to value creation. But risk mitigation provides greater confidence about appropriate use of data. Automating data delivery helps remove uncertainty and connects data consumers to trusted data.
  • Greater transparency. A business-friendly interface helps data consumers. It takes the guesswork out of identifying trusted data sets for appropriate use. This allows them to focus on their work, instead of hunting across the organization, sending emails to data stewards and contacting data owners.
Figure 1. Predictive Data Intelligence Helps You Accelerate Data-Driven Outcomes Figure 1. Predictive Data Intelligence Helps You Accelerate Data-Driven Outcomes


Predictive Data Intelligence Accelerates Data-Driven Business Outcomes

The Predictive Data Intelligence Summit features industry experts sharing their experiences about how data governance can improve data delivery. You’ll learn how Cloud Data Governance & Catalog provides a foundation for trusted data,. And you’ll see how Cloud Data Marketplace automates data delivery for data consumers across the organization.

Attendees will learn:

  • How a consumption-centric approach helps business users to easily find the data they need.
  • How automating data delivery can help you accelerate time to value for achieving business outcomes.
  • What it takes to deliver inherent trust in your data by connecting data consumers with data delivery through a data marketplace.
  • How organizations can govern, catalog, share and fulfill data needs through a single, scalable cloud platform.

Register Today for the Predictive Data Intelligence Summit

Join us for the Predictive Data Intelligence Summit. Learn how your organization can take next-best actions and automate recommendations for smarter data-driven decision making.

The lineup of speakers includes:

Register now in your region for North America | Europe, Middle East & Africa | Asia Pacific & Japan



1 Source: IDC Infographic, sponsored by Informatica, Worldwide Security Information and Event Management Market Shares, 2021: The Cardinal SIEMs, doc#US49588722, September 2022.

First Published: Oct 17, 2022