Integrate Applications and Hyperautomate Complex Business Processes

Organizations are looking to improve time to market for their products and services by accelerating key business decisions and reducing operational expenses. They want to improve efficiencies through hyperautomation by integrating their data and applications. Many are investing in cloud applications, such as Salesforce, Workday, NetSuite and others. In addition, they have existing investments in on-premises applications such SAP, Oracle ERP and other custom applications. Connecting all these applications and the data spread across on-premises and multi-cloud environments is extremely critical for the success of any business. 

A typical business process, like an order flow, traverses through multiple applications, such as order entry, pricing, CRM and inventory management, in real time. For example, telco companies need to process orders, which generally initiates a business process in an on-premises order management system. It then connects to a cloud-based CRM system, such as Salesforce, to retrieve and update customer data, followed by an update to a scheduling and inventory management system. The business process needs to connect with all these systems in a timely and logical manner to read, update and synchronize data between these applications. 

How do you make sure the order-to-inventory process travels flawlessly across the cloud and on-premises applications? By adopting an iPaaS (integration platform as a service) to drive excellent customer and employee experiences. An iPaaS is designed for enterprises with a vision of end-to-end hyperautomation, data integration and application integration. iPaaS is a gold standard for integration and hyperautomation and includes process automation, data integration, application integration, application programming interface (API)-driven integration and connectivity across disparate on-premises and cloud environments.

Build Your Application Integration and Intelligent APIs

Whether you’re planning to connect your applications and synchronize data or modernize your legacy applications, iPaaS is critical to your success. The Informatica® Cloud Application Integration solution is a core product offering of Informatica’s iPaaS, which enables organizations to integrate applications, hyperautomate complex business processes, manage APIs efficiently and synchronize data across multiple cloud deployments and on-premises in real time. It offers a single, trusted solution to support any integration pattern, data set, user type or endpoint to automate business processes, expedite transactions and enable real-time analytics.

Key Features

Out-of-the-Box Connectivity to Hundreds of Applications

Choose from over hundreds of out-of-the-box connectors or configure custom connectors in seconds to integrate your data sets, applications and services in the cloud or on-premises.

Implement Processes, APIs and Guides Without Code

Build your application integrations and APIs with Informatica’s modular design environment. Connect and orchestrate real-time data or services from cloud applications, such as Salesforce, Workday, and many more, with on-premises data sources like Oracle or SAP, or API-based REST (XML or JSON), and SOAP services — even if they reside outside corporate firewalls.

Hyperautomate Complex Business Processes

Design business process automation and integration patterns using self-service wizard builders for modern workloads by integrating data and disparate applications in the cloud, hybrid or multi-cloud business environment at any latency and scale. Orchestrate business processes with automated process workflows in real time and manage APIs effectively.

API Access to Any Data, From Anywhere, at Any Speed, by Any User

Orchestrate, ingest, synchronize, replicate, transform, and lift and shift any data, residing anywhere, at any speed (with any specified latency or in real time). All with an API call.

Support DevOps Practices

Easily enable your DevOps practices that facilitate continuous delivery through automation with external version control systems, releases and deployment pipelines.

Integrate On-premises Cloud Messaging Systems

Integrate existing queuing and pub/sub messaging systems, including JMS, AMQP, AWS SNS/ SQS and Microsoft Azure Messaging.

Highest Level of Security

Informatica’s next-gen iPaaS implements security as a design principle. Customer data and workload security is considered at every step during the product development life cycle.

Scale as the Business Grows with a Microservices Architecture

Informatica offers a microservices architecture that enables enterprise-scale integration and will support new integration patterns such as master data management, data quality, data lake and many more in the future.

To learn more about Informatica’s next-gen iPaaS, please visit or contact us today