Informatica is a Market Leader in Data Cataloging

Last Published: Aug 17, 2023 |
Nathan Turajski
Nathan Turajski

Senior Director, Product Marketing

New KuppingerCole Analyst Report: Data Catalogs and Metadata Management Validates Informatica Data Cataloging

Organizations today are on a fast track to find and use their valuable data resources. With data spread across the organization, data democratization and data sharing initiatives are now fueling value creation outcomes.

But gathering, managing and analyzing data across a complete range of data sources is one of today’s critical data governance challenges that needs to become one of your competitive advantages. Data catalogs that automate metadata management are business-critical to put you on the path to automated data discovery, data lineage and data inventory — and the data intelligence that drives data-driven analytic insights.

But choosing the best solution can be a challenge in its own right — are you able to evaluate today’s leading options to accelerate your data cataloging and metadata management journey?

Informatica is your Trusted Data Cataloging Partner

The results are in and Informatica once again leads the pack across a wide range of evaluation criteria. The latest KuppingerCole Analyst report, “Data Catalogs and Metadata Management,” provides you with an overview about the market for data catalogs and metadata management solutions that help you to effectively find, track, inventory and transform your data, as well as enable data governance and support data security and privacy initiatives.

The report provides you with a compass to help you to find the solution that best meets your needs.

What sets Informatica Data Catalog Apart from our Competition? A Few Highlights.

  • “Informatica is a leader in the data management space.”

Data cataloging doesn’t exist in a silo — it coexists with your data mastering, data governance, data privacy and other initiatives to support value creation as part of a complete ecosystem. Siloed solutions are a dead end that increase total cost of ownership due to integration and support headaches, and slow down time to value (TTV). Whereas Informatica Data Catalog grows as your data management initiatives grow.

  • “Informatica Cloud Data Governance and Data Catalog is not just a lift-and-shift…”

Running a data catalog on premises or SaaS-native to best meet your deployment needs offers flexibility today and as your data estate expands into multi-cloud environments. Informatica’s integrated cloud-native cataloging is tailor-made from the ground up with simplified pay-per-use pricing and easy procurement.

  • “Informatica builds on the proven capabilities for metadata extraction…”

As your catalog of catalogs, Informatica Data Catalog is the metadata management leader with the broadest connectivity to data sources, even other catalogs! From legacy on premises solutions to modern cloud storage, comprehensive data discovery and detailed data lineage are at your fingertips.

  • “Informatica Data Catalog solutions deliver a broad and deep set of features…”

Ultimately what sets Informatica apart is not only breadth of overall data management, but a depth of unparalleled capabilities that include Advanced Scanners for detailed data lineage and a modern user interface. Whether data analytics and AI governance initiatives, privacy use cases for sensitive data or other critical initiatives, you have the power to drive data intelligence and gain the data-driven insights you need for success.

The report is available now for download to help you qualify the best solution—examining the market segment, vendor service functionality, relative market share, and innovative approaches for Data Catalog and Metadata Management solutions. For data governance and catalog leaders, you’ll learn:

  • How today’s top data catalog and metadata management solutions were rated
  • Who received top scores for ease of use, interoperability, innovation, security, and market leadership
  • Why Informatica was named an Overall Leader

Learn More and Download the Report

Organizations such as Point72 is breaking down data silos, gaining the insights they need and democratizing data use to drive more value from their data. To accelerate your understanding of data catalog and metadata management solutions, see how today’s solutions stack up and enable data to unleash greater value, download the report today.

See how innovative companies are getting ahead of their competition, learn from industry experts, and see how Informatica is the data catalog market leader with these resources:

First Published: Mar 18, 2022